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Wedding Day

I saw pictures from a wedding on Facebook today: she is so happy; he is so happy. The love between the two of them is heartwarming. The...


Sometimes when I am reading Scripture, I do not understand what I am reading. Sometimes I understand what I am reading, but only because...


After attending Mass and Confession this past Saturday, I went to the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to pray. I love to gaze at her. She...

Dear Sister

When I was six years old, my sister was born prematurely. From the bits and pieces of conversation between the adults that I can...


I don't know why. I don't know why my dear friend has died - so suddenly, without warning, so young. His wife and children are very...

Transformed By Your Love

"Lord, Jesus, I give to You my sins (or sometimes I name the particular sin) to be transformed by Your love." This is what I try to...

Let It Happen

A friend of mine was driving on the thruway on a rainy afternoon. There was a man in a business suit, carrying a brief case walking in...

Mary, Our Hope

Oh, my heart! I love America. There are some things that are not good, but for the most part, it is good. During my lifetime, days of...

A Living Sacrifice

Lord, You are a Living Sacrifice - from the moment You were conceived in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, Mary. Before You were...

My Beloved Neighbor

My beloved neighbor was in her 60's when we met her. She was a bit eccentric. I sometimes thought she said insulting things to me, but...

Companion on My Journey

All day yesterday, I was sad, felt like weeping. I also was in physical pain - my right upper back into the right side of my neck. I...

"Papa, will you carry me?"

When my daughter was very young, about three or four years old, she was told to go directly into the car and wasn't to stop and play in...

Intercession of the Angels

As a young boy, my brother was very into super heroes, particularly Super Man. As a 4 year old, he thought that if he had a hard enough...


I want to make a correction from my last post. I had said that there were no white roses in my vision, but I was misremembering. There...

A Shower of Roses

A few years ago, I was attending Mass with my family. There was a retired visiting priest saying Mass that Sunday. It was an intensely...

Stirring in the Womb

Today is my daughter's birthday. She turned 22 years old. That makes 23 years of miracle. Right after my husband and I were married, I...

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